Are you an organization operating nationwide that has several local branches, and do you organize events? Then EasySignup's group solution can give you several benefits.
The solution allows the headquarter or the secretary, as well as the local branches, to have their own accounts with their own lists of events in EasySignup. The local branches may choose to display their events on both their own lists of events at EasySignup as well as on the secretary's nationwide list of events at EasySignup.
Thus, you get a unified solution that offers a comprehensive overview of all the organization's events.
The group solution offers you great benefits, including an easier way of administrating your events and a unified payment solution. It will also save you and the organization loads of time, as EasySignup manages many of the time-consuming tasks related to the administration of your events.
The group solution is an additional purchase to your yearly license for EasySignup and costs $2,800 + sales tax per year plus $110 + sales tax per year for each account linked to the group solution.
In addition, a connection fee of 50% of the estimated yearly price for the group solution is added to your first bill.
"It is a huge strength for an organization like us, as everyone uses the same system and can help each other"
- Klaus Ibsen Bloch from the Danish Sclerosis Association tells
Mette Jellesen and Jacob Thomsen
Support and Communication